All In For NYC Honoree Spotlight: Randall Eisenberg

What does it mean to make an impact? For Randall Eisenberg, it means bringing out the best in himself, his coworkers, his clients, and his community.

Employees often take for granted that the company they work for is financially stable and successful. All of us, from time to time, have taken our own steady jobs and the benefits provided for granted, too. But when businesses falter and best-laid plans don’t pan out, Randall takes pride in assisting companies devise a path forward for a second chance to succeed, while preserving jobs and rebuilding value. It’s something he is proud of having provided transformation and turnaround leadership to underperforming companies for over 25 years.

When Randall sits with management and develops a plan to revitalize their business… that’s making an impact!

Over the course of his career in corporate transformations and restructurings, Randall has helped numerous large and global companies create that second opportunity. He currently serves as Partner and Managing Director at AlixPartners, a global management consulting firm that prides itself on serving companies in the “when it really matters” moments. Over the course of his career, he served as President and Chairman of the Turnaround Management Association and the Association of Certified Turnaround Professionals, and currently serves as a Regent for the American College of Bankruptcy.

As anyone who has worked with or for him will tell you, when the rubber hits the road, Randall is the person you want in your corner – as a client, as a mentor, as a coworker, or as a partner. A big part of that is his dedication to professional development. As Randall tells us: “the difference between being knowledgeable and being wise is seasoning and experience.”

"Everyone has their own set of values that guide them,” and for Randall, that means setting those around him up for success. It means creating success in the community.

Randall’s passion for assistance and service goes well beyond his day-job. He participated in  Greater NY, which connects corporate executives with non-profit CEOs and Directors to provide mentorship and training. Greater NY has partnered with a number of fabulous services and justice-oriented non-profits, including Lambda Legal, New York Peace Institute, and Food Bank for New York City. He also served on the Board of Directors of the U.S. arm of Save the Children, , one of the most esteemed children-focused charity organizations in the world. Randall serves on the Restructuring Industry Executive Committee for the United Jewish Appeal (UJA) in New York City. And he and his family are longtime supporters of NY Pet Rescue, a no-kill animal shelter in Westchester. We promise you’ll regret not checking out Pet Rescue’s Dog of the Month. They have cats, too.

One of the biggest ways Randall feels like he, and all of us, can make a meaningful impact on others’ lives is through service. At its core, this is what we’re celebrating this month. The foundation of our day-to-day lives is wrapped up in our communities. Where we live; who we talk to; and what we commit to making better. Where we come from can highly influence the paths for our entire lives. And that is why an enriched and stable community is so important. CitizensNYC are committed to making those paths as strong, safe, and beautiful as they can be.

CitizensNYC prides itself on empowering giving communities - oftentimes the ones that are least touched by institutional support – providing the power and resources they need to build something better. Our history, as Randall eloquently notes, is helping communities be rich in content, rich in culture, and most of all rich in generosity. Our work, together, is driven by community members who see an opportunity to strengthen, have an idea about how to fix it, and have the impetus and leadership to take action.

For almost fifty years, we’ve worked to strengthen the foundations of the communities we partner with. And for every one of those years, we’ve counted on the support of people like Randall to help us do it.

Randall appreciates, like all of us do, that we have an obligation to invest in our communities to make them stronger. This is especially true when our hard work and lucky circumstances position us to have the capacity to make a difference. And Randall challenges us all to take this notion a step further: we also have an obligation to challenge others to find ways to do it, too. This is, at its core, the fundamental idea that makes CitizensNYC who we are.

And that is why we are so thrilled to name Randall Eisenberg one of our 2023 All-In For New York City Honorees. We’re proud to count him among the leaders stepping forward for NYC communities.


All In For NYC Honoree Spotlight: Lisa Laukitis


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